

The first place many people would have heard the term “metaverse” would have been the 1992 dystopian sci-fi novel Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson. And when the concept went mainstream in 2021 following Facebook’s change of name to Meta, numerous articles linked it to ideas found in the virtual reality (VR)-focused novel-turned-movie Ready Player One. But in fact, the concept as it relates to technology today isn’t necessarily exclusively about VR. And hopefully doesn’t have to be dystopian!

The fact is that no one yet knows exactly what the metaverse will look like, as it doesn't exist in its final form yet. Perhaps the best way of thinking about it is that it encapsulates a collection of somewhat ambiguous ideas about what the internet will evolve into next. Whatever it is, it’s likely to be more immersive, so VR, as well as related technologies like augmented reality (AR), could well play a role in it. However, many proto-metaverses and metaverse-related applications, such as the digital game platform Roblox or the virtual worlds Sandbox and Decentraland, don’t yet involve VR. It’s also likely to be built around the concept of persistence in a number of ways – for example, users are likely to use a persistent representation of themselves, such as an avatar, as they move between different virtual worlds and activities. Users will also expect to be able to leave a virtual world and come back to it later to find they are still in the same “instance” – which is not the case in, for example, the virtual worlds that many people are used to exploring in video games, where the entire world might be reset when a new game is started.

Once it is a part of our lives, it’s possible that we won’t even call it the metaverse at all – just as no one really uses the term "worldwide web" anymore. This is nicely illustrated by Apple CEO Tim Cook saying he doesn’t think the idea will catch on because “the average person” doesn’t really understand what it is. However, he does believe that individual technologies that are part of the metaverse – such as AR and VR – will be part of the internet’s evolution.


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