AI Trends


AI Trends

Cognitive - learn, reason, predict, respond
Visual - see and process the physical world
Auditory - listen and communicate using written or spoken language
Motor - manipulate physical or virtual environments


  • Driverless Cars and Drones
  • Augmented and Virtual Reality
  • Chatbots and Intelligent Agents
  • Machine Learning Algorithms
  • Imaging (Computer Vision)
  • Robots and Robotics

AI - process data and infer complex relationships like a human
Machine Learning - how computers with AI can improve over time using different algorithms as they are fed more data
Neural Networks - type of machine learning
Deep Learning - larger neural network
Cognitive Computing - same as AI

AI Chips - specialized chips used to train machine algorithms and then run in production

  • AI Law Enforcement
  • AI Law
  • AI Investment Banking
  • AI Insurance
  • AI Real Estate
  • AI Travel
  • AI Accounting
  • AI Agriculture
  • AI Education

AI is fundamentally used to remove or make cheaper the human costs to businesses.  This needs to be managed as a massive impact to governments who will again subsidize company profits.


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