
five things for leaving your ego at the door

Here are five things for leaving your ego at the door which I try to practice as much as possible (and still learning…): 1. Reflect on your own biases and assumptions 2. Practice active listening 3. Be open to feedback 4. Show gratitude and give credit where it is due 5. Recognize that you don't know everything and be open to learning from others

Everything on Demand.

  "EoD" stands for   Everything   on Demand . Put simply... Everything on Demand, or EoD, is the future of getting  everything and anything  you want, at any time, delivered to your doorstep on demand –  often in less than an hour . Now, many of you might think that I'm making a big deal about nothing... But most Americans simply aren't aware of what's coming. They don't have any idea of the billions of dollars being spent by some of the world's largest companies to own the "Everything on Demand" space. The co-CEO of a business called GoPuff summed it up nicely when he said... "When Amazon came out with two-day Prime [delivery], that was the most revolutionary thing. Now, people want [everything] in 20 minutes. In 10 years, people are going to want it in five..." Mark my words – being able to buy anything you want and have it show up at your door in under an hour will change  everything... According to TechCrunch, a recent survey showed

Tectonic shift to sustainable protein.

  The biggest growth market today is the  tectonic shift to sustainable protein. This is the move towards using alternative proteins from nuts and insects.  The cost to manufacture proteins currently is expensive in costs and resources.  New ways will save water, energy and feed. Hemp-based alternative protein is fantastic Hemp is a complete protein, unlike peas, oats, almonds, cashews, or beans. Hemp protein has high fiber content, unlike other highly refined plant proteins. Hemp has lots of Omega-6 and Omega-3 and is a rare plant source of essential fatty acids. He also knew that hemp is a far more sustainable crop than other plants: Hemp uses less water to grow Hemp doesn’t need pesticides or fertilizers to produce healthy plants Hemp naturally regenerates soil, instead of depleting it like soy, nuts, or other plants. Hemp helps filter carbon dioxide out of the air, cleaning the air as it grows

All is flashing in 2023 for a good year

All is flashing in 2023 for a good year The  Breakaway Momentum    indicator compares the number of advancing stocks to the number of declining stocks in the market over a 10-day period. And it’s triggered when the amount of advancing stocks outnumbers declining stocks by about 2-to-1. This is very rare and usually only happens when bear markets are ending and bull markets are starting.   The  Whaley Breadth Thrust  indicator is similar. It compares the number of advancing stocks to the number of declining stocks in the market over a five-day period. And it’s triggered when the amount of advancing stocks outnumbers declining stocks by about 3-to-1. This, too, is very rare and usually only happens when bear markets are ending and bull markets are starting.  The    Triple 70 Thrust  indicator was also triggered. This happens when the percentage of rising stocks in the market exceeds 70% for three consecutive days. This is also a rare indicator, and it also tends to mark the start of a ne

Fossil Fuel not dead yet

Fossil Fuel not dead yet “Old energy” will carry most of the load during the early years of the transition, as it guides “new energy” to the pinnacle of global power production. Producing an electric vehicle (EV), for example, requires about twice as much energy as producing an internal combustion engine vehicle. That’s because EVs are essentially batteries on wheels… and batteries are basically just hunks of metal. Mining and processing all of that metal demands a lot of energy. To unearth enough raw ore to produce a  single  midsize EV battery, for example, mining operators must excavate about 250 tons of terrain. After that, they must transport roughly 50 tons of ore to various facilities around the world that can extract the targeted metals and then refine them to battery-grade standards. With a few exceptions, every step of the process consumes some form of fossil fuel. Most other renewable technologies are even more energy-intensive than EVs. Therefore, far from replacing fossil

#10. Gold Miners, Escape from Hyper Correlations

  #10. Gold Miners, Escape from Hyper Correlations Gold miners had a very volatile year as well. Like gold and silver, the gold miners also had a downside overshoot due to severely poor market trading liquidity. All equities (not just gold equities) had a high level of intra-stock correlation due to the Fed tightening financial conditions (higher USD, higher real yields, lower liquidity). The 30-day rolling correlation between gold miners and the S&P 500 reached its highest level in 10 years, meaning broad market pricing flows dictated gold miners' price action, not fundamentals. Since the Fed signaled the aggressive portion of its interest rate hikes is over, there has been an unclenching of hyper-correlation across asset classes as fundamentals reassert themselves. Figure 7b is the Q4 2022 returns for various asset classes. It highlights the now diverging returns of the “better" asset classes (precious metals) that we believed were caught in the liquidity vortex versus f

#9. Silver: Oversold Secular Low

  #9. Silver: Oversold Secular Low Silver closed 2022 higher by $0.65 (or 2.77%) to close at $23.95. Like gold, silver began the year on a firm footing before it was overwhelmed by CTA-type and retail selling (Figure 6a). From the March 2022 peak, over 818 million ounces of silver (or 52%) of combined CFTC 14  and ETF silver were liquidated over six months. This selling wave was the most seen from retail-dominated ETF selling ever, indicating capitulation activity. By the September 2022 lows, CFTC silver positioning had reached a 3%-tile reading over the past 10 years, and silver in ETFs saw a -25% drawdown 15  versus prior maximum drawdown levels of ~-10%. Considering the strong silver supply-demand fundamentals, silver liquidations were likely forced selling. Silver and gold, as precious metals (similar macro variables), unsurprisingly have a very high correlation of 0.84 from 1981 (post the Hunt Brothers craziness) to 2022. In Figure 6b, we highlight the silver-to-gold ratio, a less